...milovala si kvety, milovala si fialovú farbu, milovala si život a smiech. To sú kvety pre teba, iste by si nechcela aby sme plakali, ale ešte chvíľu potrvá, kým v našich očiach nebudú pri spomienke na teba slzy... Tento collab je venovaný Katke, myslíme na teba, vždy zostaneš v našich srdciach.
...you loved flowers, purple colour, life and laughter. These flowers are for you; you did not want us to cry, but it'll be a while before our eyes remain dry when we think of you... this collab is dedicated to Katka; she'll stay in our hearts forever.....you loved flowers, purple colour, life and laughter. These flowers are for you; you did not want us to cry, but it'll be a while before our eyes remain dry when we think of you... this collab is dedicated to Katka; she'll stay in our hearts forever...
my part:
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